Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Creating a Website: Contact Page & Social Links

 Today i will add social links and contact page on my site.

I delete everythink I didn't need on my webpage. Then I changed font to Linotype Didot of subtitles and customised my contact form. I also changed background and set the notifications to my email. 

After that I added a social links icons. I left only the one I needed and added one new. 

I also checked the mobile view but decided that there was no need to change anything.

Finally, I save it and checked if the links worked.

1 comment:

  1. Good that you completed this you need to just addd that you checked the mobile view


Alfred Eisenstaedt- V-J Day in Times Square'

One of the most famous photos of the twentieth century is Alfred Eisenstaedt's image titled "V-J Day in Times Square". "...