Sunday, 11 February 2024

Photography Reaserch

As I'm making project about Working People, I've decided to look closer to the picture of Charles Clyde Ebbets called "Lunch atop a Skyscraper".


“Lunch atop a Skyscraper: Revealing the Backstory of an Iconic Photograph - Rare Historical Photos.” Https://, 15 Aug. 2023, Accessed 29 Jan. 2024.

PT Editor. “Lunch atop a Skyscraper: The Story behind the Death-Defying 1932 Photo.” PhotographyTalk, 6 Dec. 2017, Accessed 29 Jan. 2024.

Contrera, Jessica. “One of the Most Iconic Photos of American Workers Is Not What It Seems.” Washington Post, 1 Sept. 2019, Accessed 29 Jan. 2024.

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Creative Media Production: Timmed writting two

-What's happened?

-Nothing much, another break in dome. John and Rashid take care of it.

-So why did you call me?

-There something wrong with cameras in district 3, 8, and 21.

Could you take a look on that?

-Sure. But why you didn't ask Jacob or Priya? I'ts preety basic stuf, and you know i'm busy with this converters. We don't have power suply in two districts.

-You know I wouldn't bother you if it would be something they would be able to handle with. It's something unusual. Like coordinated attack.

-You don't think Jayu did that?

They don't have enough people and sources to attack three districts at the same time. You just wasting my time.

-I didn't sayed that. I just want you to check that. We need to investigate it properly. You know, procedures.

Chapbook Planning

● What is your final idea? Please explain in two sentences the theme and

the form your writing will take.

My idea is to create a science-fiction novella about people working and living in colony on Mars. The book will contain 3-5 illustrated chapters and approximately 30 pages.

● Considering the form, how do you intend to layout your book pages?

The final product will be a novella written in science fiction, and I aim to structure the pages according to standard book format rules and include relevant graphics that complement the content.

● How many pages do you expect there will be?

Less than 30

● Are you going to use images? Are these your own images

(illustrations/photographs) or copyright free images that you will


I will use AI-generated photos.

● What is the plan of your time and how much you will need to spend on


Remember writing is something that you will need time and concentration without disturbance - you must make sure that you plan time to do this.

25 Hours

● What do you imagine the final book will look like?

I will put a image of a colony on Mars and a title on the front cover.

● Have you considered the cover page/contents page/back cover with


I will put the title and my name on the cover page.

● Drafting and redrafting will need to be done? Who would you get to

proofread your work?

My tutor.

Write down any other thoughts or comments related to your plan on

your blog post.

I don't have any more ideas but I'll probably make some adjustments.

Monday, 5 February 2024

Chapbook: Initial Idea

This semester at Creative Media I have two projects to complete. The second is a writing project that will involve creating a chapbook. My chapbook will be about 30 pages long. I will include text and illustrations generated by AI.

My inspiration is the Polish writer Stanisław Lem. He is a renowned sci-fi creator appreciated for his insightful visions of the future.

My inspiration is the Polish writer Stanisław Lem. He is a renowned sci-fi creator appreciated for his insightful visions of the future. In his works he touched on futurology, sociology and philosophy.


Nast, C. (2019). The Beautiful Mind-Bending of Stanislaw Lem. [online] The New Yorker. Available at: [Accessed Mar. 14AD].

Alfred Eisenstaedt- V-J Day in Times Square'

One of the most famous photos of the twentieth century is Alfred Eisenstaedt's image titled "V-J Day in Times Square". "...